Danych Badawczych
Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego


Recent Submissions

Research data for the article "The influence of biological preparations on soil parameters and aclonifen dissipation"
(Springer Nature, Scientific Reports, 2025) Szpyrka, Ewa; Praskowicz, Aleksandra; Serwin, Natalia; Książek-Trela, Paulina
Food production requires the protection of agricultural crops against weeds, diseases and pests. An inherent consequence of using chemical plant protection products is the presence of their residues in the environment and the soil, and also in food. The use of effective microorganisms (EMs) that protect plants against pathogens and improve the condition of the soil, may be an alternative to and complement those preparations. The aim of this work was to examine the potential of biological preparations containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MBI600, Pseudomonas sp. DSMZ 13134, Yarrowia lipolytica, and their consortia for the revitalization of soil contaminated with aclonifen. Experiments were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions in the horticultural soil. The analyzed parameters included the aclonifen concentrations, and soil parameters of pH, dehydrogenase activity (DHA), and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). The consortium of Pseudomonas sp. DSMZ 13134 with Y. lipolytica and the consortium of all three examined EMs most effectively influenced the aclonifen dissipation. Their use reduced the herbicide concentration in the soil by 52% and 56%, respectively. These results are significant as aclonifen is a persistent herbicide. The tested biological preparation also contributed to the improvement of soil properties – the increase in ORP and DHA. There is an urgent need to promote the use of EMs in agriculture, to protect the environment and human health from chemical contaminants, and to develop sustainable agriculture.
Tabela atrybutów schowków żołędzi odkrytych w latach 2023 oraz 2024
(2025) Bobiec, Andrzej; Kurek, Przemysław; Wróbel, Aleksandra
The database consist of 323 records of the recovered mili-radiotransmitters dispersed by Jays in acorns from 9 feeding trays representing 6 landscape units. While ca. 80% of the transmitters have been cached inside the stuffed acorns, remaining 20% of transmitters were extracted by birds (or rodents) and dropped or left on trees. Besides the points precise (GNSS) georeferences, the tables contain a number of descriptive attributes of the recovered caches/ miliradiotransmitters, such as the way of an acorn cover, surrounding vegeation, etc.
Oak (Quercus robur) seedling root biometric characteristic
(2025) Szewczyk, Wojciech
The file contains the root biometric data of 157 oak seedlings extracted in 2024 in the research areas of Podkarpacie. The measurements were performed with WinRhizo at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań.
Complete data base of survival and growth of oak seedlings - acorns planted in 2022
(2025) Bobiec, Andrzej; Kaniuczak, Dariusz; Wolański, Paweł
The data consists of 6 Excel sheets, including acorn weight, plots' geographic and habitat codes, phytosociological characteristics of plant communities, and seedling measurement (seedling height, diameter at ground level, number and size of leaves, SPAD, etc.) results performed in 2023 and 2024. Acorns were planted (seeded) separately in groups, representing, relatively homogenous ecological conditions (vegetation types), precisely georeferenced with GNSS antenna.
Complete data base of survival and growth of oak seedlings - acorns planted in 2020
(2025) Bobiec, Andrzej; Kaniuczak, Dariusz; Wolański, Paweł
The data consists of 10 Excel sheets, including acorn weight, plots' geographic and habitat codes, plots' vegetation (phytosociological data), and seedling measurement (seedling height, diameter at ground level, number and size of leaves, SPAD, etc.) results performed in 2022, 2023, and 2024. In addition, PAR relative intensity on plots is included. Plots are 3-square-meter rings (R=1m) set in 2020, where Q. robur acorns were seeded (10 in each plot). Initial number of plots 115, i.e., 1150 seeded acorns.