Danych Badawczych
Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego


Recent Submissions

(2024) Dziedzic, Andrzej
Raw data: Oxidative stress, physical activity and psychological traits
(2025) Kwiatkowska, Aleksandra; Bator, Ewelina; Kozioł, Katarzyna; Betlej, Gabriela; Rejman, Aneta; Koziorowska, Anna; Koziorowski, Marek
The file contains raw data, such as: OHdG (8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine) concentrations; MET levels (measured with use of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire, GPAQ); scores on the CISS (Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations), NEO-FFI (Personality Inventory), STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), and FCZ-KT (R) (Formal Characteristics Of Behaviour – Temperament Questionnaire - revised version) scales obtained by the participants. The data was obtained from 81 participants.
Body composition, lifestyle and nutrients on adiponectin and resistin levels and AR index in obese individuals
(2024) Polak-Szczybyło, Ewelina; Tabarkiewicz, Jacek
Background: Low-grade inflammation resulting from processes occurring in the adipose tissue of obese people is a factor in the occurrence of numerous diseases. Current research focuses on ways to regulate immunological mechanisms in adipose tissue in order to minimize the consequences for the health. Methods: Body composition analysis using BIA was performed among 84 adults with obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). Serum was collected to analyze the concentration of adiponectin (ApN) and resistin. The subjects additionally completed a food frequency questionnaire FFQ-6 and a three-days food diary. Adiponectin-resistin index (AR index) was calculated. Results: Re-sistin showed a positive correlation with BMI and subcutaneous adipose tissue content. AR index value was also positively associated with the amount of adipose tissue and body mass. Adi-ponectin level in the blood of the studied individuals decreased with the content of lean tissue. Adiponectin level also decreased with the amount of carbohydrates, e.g. starch, and glycemic load of the diet. Resistin decreased in patients who frequently consumed white pasta and red meat, while AR index was positively associated with the amount of white rice and SFA and MUFA fatty acids consumed and negatively with the frequent consumption of carbohydrates, including starch. Physical activity was negatively correlated with adiponectin levels and AR index. Con-clusion: Body composition significantly affected the AR index and concentration of resistin and adiponectin in the blood of the subjects. Dietary factors also had a significant effect.
Dataset used in research paper entitled "Plasma Circular-RNA 0005567 as a Potential Marker of Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis"
(MDPI, 2023-12-28) Cieśla, Marek
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are noncoding molecules and are generated through back splicing. The 3′ and 5′ ends of the RNAs are covalently linked and form a loop structure, making it resistant to RNA exonucleases. Thus, circRNAs are biologically stable and may be considered as potential molecular markers of various diseases in tissues and biofluids. CircRNAs may regulate gene expression levels by acting as a microRNA sponge or by interacting with RNA binding proteins. The aim of the study was to find an association between plasma concentration of selected circRNAs and disease activity in patients with RA.
Upregulation of GRP78 is accompanied by decreased antioxidant response and mitophagy promotion in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes in rats - original data
(Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 2024-09-25) Kaniuka, Olena; Deręgowska, Anna; Bandura, Yurii; Sabadashka, Mariya; Chala, Dariya; Kulachkovskyi, Olexandr; Kubis, Hubert; Adamczyk-Grochala, Jagoda; Sybirna, Nataliia
Endoplasmic reticulum stress, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction are interconnected processes involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus (DM). In the present study, we demonstrate a distinct unfolded protein response (UPR) signaling pathways in two mammalian models of DM: β-TC-6 cell line and streptozotocin induced type 1 diabetes model in rats. However, a feature common to both systems was the upregulation of the GRP78 protein. Moreover, in vivo studies showed the disruption of the antioxidant system and an escalation of mitophagy against the background of a depletion of the level of ATP in pancreatic cells. In conclusion, we suggest that glucotoxic conditions induced GRP78 upregulation, and next cause depletion of the antioxidant pool and disruption of the functioning of antioxidant defense enzymes and in consequence promote mitophagy in pancreatic cells. Therefore, GRP78 may be considered as a potential therapeutic factor in patients with diabetes.