Bobiec, AndrzejBobiec, AndrzejKaniuczak, DariuszWolański, Paweł2025-03-102025-03-102025 data consists of 10 Excel sheets, including acorn weight, plots' geographic and habitat codes, plots' vegetation (phytosociological data), and seedling measurement (seedling height, diameter at ground level, number and size of leaves, SPAD, etc.) results performed in 2022, 2023, and 2024. In addition, PAR relative intensity on plots is included. Plots are 3-square-meter rings (R=1m) set in 2020, where Q. robur acorns were seeded (10 in each plot). Initial number of plots 115, i.e., 1150 seeded acorns.The data consists of 10 Excel sheets, including acorn weight, plots' geographic and habitat codes, plots' vegetation (phytosociological data), and seedling measurement (seedling height, diameter at ground level, number and size of leaves, SPAD, etc.) results performed in 2022, 2023, and 2024. In addition, PAR relative intensity on plots is included. Plots are 3-square-meter rings (R=1m) set in 2020, where Q. robur acorns were seeded (10 in each plot). Initial number of plots 115, i.e., 1150 seeded acorns.enCC0 1.0 UniversalQuercus roburAcornsSeedlingsSurvivalAnnual growthVegetationPhotosynthetically active radiationComplete data base of survival and growth of oak seedlings - acorns planted in 2020processed dataset