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Item Biota grzybów związana z siewkami dębu (2020-2022)(2024) Behnke-Borowczyk, JolantaRazem czy osobno – różnorodność zbiorowisk grzybów a sposób odnowienia dębu. Regeneracja dębu (Quercus spp.) powstaje na drodze naturalnej lub sztucznej. W przypadku regeneracji sztucznej wyróżniamy siew lub sadzenie sadzonek przez człowieka. Sprzymierzeńcami w powstaniu naturalnego odnowienia są zwierzęta. Szczególną rolę w tym procesie odgrywają ptaki. W Europie, sójki euroazjatyckie są głównymi rozsiewaczami nasion dębu. Rozprzestrzenianie nasion przez ptaki odgrywa kluczową rolę w tworzeniu nowych siedlisk dla roślin, umożliwiając im osiedlanie się w różnych obszarach w tym siedliskach nieleśnych i w tradycyjnych krajobrazach rolniczych. Wpływ zróżnicowania zbiorowisk roślinnych na mikrobiotę roślin oraz funkcje troficzne grzybów w relacjach z roślinami są obszarami badawczymi, które wymagają głębszej analizy. Celem było określenie zależności między miejscem wzrostu sadzonek dębu a różnorodnością zbiorowisk grzybów towarzyszącym korzenią z uwzględnieniem funkcji pełnionej przez poszczególne taksony w środowisku. Analizę taksonomiczną zbiorowisk przeprowadzono w oparciu o region ITS1, z wykorzystaniem sekwencjonowania systemem ILLUMINA. Bibliotekę OTU stworzono w oparciu o baze referencyjną NCBI.Item Charakterystyka fizyko-chemiczna gleb na poletkach eksperymentalnego wysiewu żołędzi(2024) Okręgowa Stacja Chemiczno-Rolnicza, RzeszówZestawy wyników analizy próbek gleby - dane zostaną wykorzystane jako zmienne wyjaśniające w analizie przeżywalności i rozwoju siewekItem Complete data base of survival and growth of oak seedlings - acorns planted in 2020(2025) Bobiec, Andrzej; Kaniuczak, Dariusz; Wolański, PawełThe data consists of 10 Excel sheets, including acorn weight, plots' geographic and habitat codes, plots' vegetation (phytosociological data), and seedling measurement (seedling height, diameter at ground level, number and size of leaves, SPAD, etc.) results performed in 2022, 2023, and 2024. In addition, PAR relative intensity on plots is included. Plots are 3-square-meter rings (R=1m) set in 2020, where Q. robur acorns were seeded (10 in each plot). Initial number of plots 115, i.e., 1150 seeded acorns.Item Complete data base of survival and growth of oak seedlings - acorns planted in 2022(2025) Bobiec, Andrzej; Kaniuczak, Dariusz; Wolański, PawełThe data consists of 6 Excel sheets, including acorn weight, plots' geographic and habitat codes, phytosociological characteristics of plant communities, and seedling measurement (seedling height, diameter at ground level, number and size of leaves, SPAD, etc.) results performed in 2023 and 2024. Acorns were planted (seeded) separately in groups, representing, relatively homogenous ecological conditions (vegetation types), precisely georeferenced with GNSS antenna.Item Dane do artykułu "Electrospun fiber-based micro- and nano-system for delivery of high concentrated quercetin to cancer cells"(Biomaterials Advances, 2023-10-01) Hudecki, Andrzej; Rzeszutek, Iwona; Lewińska, Anna; Warski, Tymon; Baranowska-Korczyc, Anna; Wojnarowska-Nowak, Renata; Betlej, Gabriela; Deręgowska, Anna; Hudecki, Jacek; Łyko-Morawska, Dorota; Likus, Wirginia; Moskal, Aleksandra; Krzemiński, Piotr; Cieślak, Małgorzata; Kęsik-Brodacka, Małgorzata; Kolano-Burian, Aleksandra; Wnuk, MaciejThe anticancer potential of quercetin (Q), a plant-derived flavonoid, and underlining molecular mechanisms are widely documented in cellular models in vitro. However, biomedical applications of Q are limited due to its low bioavailability and hydrophilicity. In the present study, the electrospinning approach was used to obtain polylactide (PLA) and PLA and polyethylene oxide (PEO)-based micro- and nanofibers containing Q, namely PLA/Q and PLA/PEO/Q, respectively, in a form of non-woven fabrics. The structure and physico-chemical properties of Q-loaded fibers were characterized by scanning electron and atomic force microscopy (SEM and AFM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), goniometry and FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. The anticancer action of PLA/Q and PLA/PEO/Q was revealed using two types of cancer and nine cell lines, namely osteosarcoma (MG-63, U-2 OS, SaOS-2 cells) and breast cancer (SK-BR-3, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, Hs 578T, and BT-20 cells). The anticancer activity of Q-loaded fibers was more pronounced than the action of free Q. PLA/Q and PLA/PEO/Q promoted cell cycle arrest, oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death that was not overcome by heat shock protein (HSP)-mediated adaptive response. PLA/Q and PLA/PEO/Q were biocompatible and safe, as judged by in vitro testing using normal fibroblasts. We postulate that PLA/Q and PLA/PEO/Q with Q releasing activity can be considered as a novel and more efficient micro- and nano-system to deliver Q and eliminate phenotypically different cancer cells.Item Dane do artykułu "Mutation Status and Glucose Availability Affect the Response to Mitochondria-Targeted Quercetin Derivative in Breast Cancer Cells"(Cancers (Basel) MDPI, 2023-11-28) Przybylski, Paweł; Lewińska, Anna; Rzeszutek, Iwona; Błoniarz, Dominika; Moskal, Aleksandra; Betlej, Gabriela; Deręgowska, Anna; Cybularczyk-Cecotka, Martyna ; Szmatoła, Tomasz ; Litwinienko, Grzegorz; Wnuk, MaciejMitochondria, the main cellular power stations, are important modulators of redox-sensitive signaling pathways that may determine cell survival and cell death decisions. As mitochondrial function is essential for tumorigenesis and cancer progression, mitochondrial targeting has been proposed as an attractive anticancer strategy. In the present study, three mitochondria-targeted quercetin derivatives (mitQ3, 5, and 7) were synthesized and tested against six breast cancer cell lines with different mutation and receptor status, namely ER-positive MCF-7, HER2-positive SK-BR-3, and four triple-negative (TNBC) cells, i.e., MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, BT-20, and Hs 578T cells. In general, the mito-quercetin response was modulated by the mutation status. In contrast to unmodified quercetin, 1 µM mitQ7 induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells. In MCF-7 cells, mitQ7-mediated apoptosis was potentiated under glucose-depleted conditions and was accompanied by elevated mitochondrial superoxide production, while AMPK activation-based energetic stress was associated with the alkalization of intracellular milieu and increased levels of NSUN4. Mito-quercetin also eliminated doxorubicin-induced senescent breast cancer cells, which was accompanied by the depolarization of mitochondrial transmembrane potential. Limited glucose availability also sensitized doxorubicin-induced senescent breast cancer cells to apoptosis. In conclusion, we show an increased cytotoxicity of mitochondria-targeted quercetin derivatives compared to unmodified quercetin against breast cancer cells with different mutation status that can be potentiated by modulating glucose availability.Item Dane z pomiarów terenowych siewek Dębu (2020-2022) wraz z danymi fitosocjologicznymi oraz PAR(2024) Bobiec, Andrzej; Wolański, Paweł; Kaniuczak, DariuszOak seedling inventory and measurement data in phytosociological and environmental contextItem Dataset used in research paper entitled "Evaluation of anticancer activity of urotropine surface modified iron oxide nanoparticles using a panel of forty breast cancer cell lines "(Taylor & Francis, 2025-02-28) Adamczyk-Grochala, Jagoda; Wnuk, Maciej; Oklejewicz, Bernadetta; Klimczak, Katarzyna; Błoniarz, Dominika; Deręgowska, Anna; Rzeszutek, Iwona; Stec, Paulina; Ciuraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Kądziołka-Gaweł, Mariola; Łukowiec, Dariusz; Piotrowski, Piotr; Litwinienko, Grzegorz; Radoń, Adrian; Lewińska, AnnaUrotropine, an antibacterial agent to treat urinary tract bacterial infections, can be also considered as a repurposed drug with formaldehyde-mediated anticancer activity. Recently, we have synthesized urotropine surface modified iron oxide nanoparticles (URO@Fe3O4 NPs) with improved colloidal stability and limited cytotoxicity against human fibroblasts. In the present study, we have investigated URO@Fe3O4 NP-mediated responses in a panel of forty phenotypically different breast cancer cell lines along with three non-cancerous corresponding cell lines. URO@Fe3O4 NPs promoted oxidative stress and FOXO3a-based antioxidant response in breast cancer cells. Elevated levels of GPX4 and decreased levels of ACSL4 in URO@Fe3O4 NP-treated breast cancer cells protected against ferroptotic cell death. On the contrary, URO@Fe3O4 NPs impaired the activity of PERK, a part of unfolded protein response (UPR), especially when the glucose supply was limited, that was accompanied by genetic instability, and apoptotic and/or necrotic cell death in breast cancer cells. In conclusion, this is the first comprehensive analysis of anticancer effects of URO@Fe3O4 NPs against a panel of forty breast cancer cell lines with different receptor status and in glucose replete and deplete conditions. We suggest that presented results might be helpful for designing new nano-based anti-breast cancer strategies.Item Dataset used in research paper entitled “Design of a Magnetic Nanoplatform Based on CD26 Targeting and HSP90 Inhibition for Apoptosis and Ferroptosis-Mediated Elimination of Senescent Cells”(ACS Publications, 2025-01-13) Wnuk, Maciej; Del Sol-Fernández, Susel; Błoniarz, Dominika; Słaby, Julia; Szmatoła, Tomasz; Żebrowski, Michał; Martínez-Vicente, Pablo; Litwinienko, Grzegorz; Moros, María; Lewińska, AnnaThe accumulation of senescent cells, a hallmark of aging and age-related diseases, is also considered as a side effect of anticancer therapies, promoting drug resistance and leading to treatment failure. The use of senolytics, selective inducers of cell death in senescent cells, is a promising pharmacological antiaging and anticancer approach. However, more studies are needed to overcome the limitations of first-generation senolytics by the design of targeted senolytics and nanosenolytics and the validation of their usefulness in biological systems. In the present study, we have designed a nanoplatform composed of iron oxide nanoparticles functionalized with an antibody against a cell surface marker of senescent cells (CD26), and loaded with the senolytic drug HSP90 inhibitor 17-DMAG (MNP@CD26@17D). We have documented its action against oxidative stress-induced senescent human fibroblasts, WI-38 and BJ cells, and anticancer drug-induced senescent cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma A431 cells, demonstrating for the first time that CD26 is a valid marker of senescence in cancer cells. A dual response to MNP@CD26@17D stimulation in senescent cells was revealed, namely, apoptosis-based early response (2 h treatment) and ferroptosis-based late response (24 h treatment). MNP@CD26@17D-mediated ferroptosis might be executed by ferritinophagy as judged by elevated levels of the ferritinophagy marker NCOA4 and a decreased pool of ferritin. As 24 h treatment with MNP@CD26@17D did not induce hemolysis in human erythrocytes in vitro, this newly designed nanoplatform could be considered as an optimal multifunctional tool to target and eliminate senescent cells of skin origin, overcoming their apoptosis resistance.Item Dataset used in research paper entitled “New Mitochondria-Targeted Fisetin Derivative Compromises Mitophagy and Limits Survival of Drug-Induced Senescent Breast Cancer Cells”(Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (ACS), 2024-09-25) Rzeszutek, Iwona; Cybularczyk-Cecotka, Martyna; Deręgowska, Anna; Stec, Paulina; Wnuk, Maciej; Kołodziej, Olga; Kałafut, Joanna; Wawruszak, Anna; Witkowski, Wojciech; Litwinienko, Grzegorz; Lewińska, AnnaMitochondria are considered as promising targets for cancer treatment. In the present study, triphenyl phosphonium cationic group-conjugated fisetin (mito-fisetin) was synthesized, and its anticancer activity was investigated in several cellular models of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer in vitro and in vivo in proliferating and tamoxifen-promoted senescent states. Mito-fisetin, when used at low micromolar concentrations, stimulated the dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative stress, and affected mitochondrial function, resulting in apoptosis induction in senescent breast cancer cells. Mito-fisetin-mediated cytotoxicity was due to increased levels of phosphorylated AMPK, decreased levels of AKT and HSP90, and impaired mitophagic response, as judged by the analysis of the markers of mitophagosome formation. Senescent breast cancer cells were found to be more sensitive to mito-fisetin treatment than proliferating ones. We postulate that mitochondrial targeting in the case of fisetin may be considered as a promising anticancer and senotherapeutic strategy to eliminate drug-resistant senescent breast cancer cells.Item Dataset used in research paper entitled: Riboflavin overproduction on lignocellulose hydrolysate by the engineered yeast Candida famata(Oxford Academic, 2024-07-15) Dzanaeva, Ljubov; Wojdyła, Dominik; Fedorovych, Dariya; Ruchała, Justyna; Dmytruk, Kostyantyn; Sibirny, AndriyLignocellulose (dry plant biomass) is an abundant cheap inedible residue of agriculture and wood industry with great potential as a feedstock for biotechnological processes. Lignocellulosic substrates can serve as valuable resources in fermentation processes, allowing the production of a wide array of chemicals, fuels, and food additives. The main obstacle for cost-effective conversion of lignocellulosic hydrolysates to target products is poor metabolism of the major pentoses, xylose and L-arabinose, which are the second and third most abundant sugars of lignocellulose after glucose. We study the oversynthesis of riboflavin in the flavinogenic yeast Candida famata and found that all major lignocellulosic sugars, including xylose and L-arabinose, support robust growth and riboflavin synthesis in the available strains of C. famata. To further increase riboflavin production from xylose and lignocellulose hydrolysate, genes XYL1 and XYL2 coding for xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase were overexpressed. The resulting strains exhibited increased riboflavin production in both shake flasks and bioreactors using diluted hydrolysate, reaching 1.5 g L-1.Item Eksperymentalny wysiew dębu w krajobrazach post-rolniczych - dane z pomiarów polowych(2024) Bobiec, Andrzej; Wolański, Paweł; Kaniuczak, DariuszW 2020 wysiano 1150 żołędzi na poletkach reprezentujących różne aspekty post-rolniczych krajobrazów Podkarpacia. W 2022 wykonano pierwszą inwentaryzację siewek oceniając przeżywalność oraz wykonano pomiary wybranych parametrów biometrycznych siewek; wykonano ocenę fitosocjologiczną poszczególnych poletek oraz zmierzono natężenie promieniowania PAR; wysiano dodatkowy zestaw żołędzi - małych i dużych, pochodzących z dwóch różnych drzew. W 2023 po raz kolejny zmierzono siewki pochodzące z wysiewu 2020 oraz jednoroczne, z 2022; wykonano ocenę fitosocjologiczną roślinności w miejscach wysiewu w 2022.Item Engineering of Ogataea polymorpha strains with ability for high-temperature alcoholic fermentation of cellobiose(Oxford University Press, 2024-02-22) Vasylyshyn, Roksolana; Dmytruk, Olena; Sibirny, Andriy; Ruchała, JustynaSuccessful conversion of cellulosic biomass into biofuels requires organisms capable of efficiently utilizing xylose as well as cellodextrins and glucose. Ogataea (Hansenula) polymorpha is the natural xylose-metabolizing organism and is one of the most thermotolerant yeasts known, with a maximum growth temperature above 50°C. Cellobiose-fermenting strains, derivatives of an improved ethanol producer from xylose O. polymorpha BEP/cat8∆, were constructed in this work by the introduction of heterologous genes encoding cellodextrin transporters (CDTs) and intracellular enzymes (β-glucosidase or cellobiose phosphorylase) that hydrolyze cellobiose. For this purpose, the genes gh1-1 of β-glucosidase, CDT-1m and CDT-2m of cellodextrin transporters from Neurospora crassa and the CBP gene coding for cellobiose phosphorylase from Saccharophagus degradans, were successfully expressed in O. polymorpha. Through metabolic engineering and mutagenesis, strains BEP/cat8∆/gh1-1/CDT-1m and BEP/cat8∆/CBP-1/CDT-2mAM were developed, showing improved parameters for high-temperature alcoholic fermentation of cellobiose. The study highlights the need for further optimization to enhance ethanol yields and elucidate cellobiose metabolism intricacies in O. polymorpha yeast. This is the first report of the successful development of stable methylotrophic thermotolerant strains of O. polymorpha capable of coutilizing cellobiose, glucose, and xylose under high-temperature alcoholic fermentation conditions at 45°C.Item Glucotoxicity is mediated by cytoplasmic distribution of RAP1 in pancreatic β-cells(Elsevier, 2024-03-28) Deręgowska, Anna; Tomaszek, Natalia; Cuch, Patrycja; Kozioł, Katarzyna; Kaniuka, Olga; Sabadashka, Mariya; Bandura, Yurii; Sybirna, NataliiaDiabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of chronic metabolic disorders characterized by persistent hyperglycemia. In our study, we analyzed the level and location of RAP1 changes in the development of β-cell dysfunction induced by glucotoxicity. We employed three pancreatic β-cell lines, namely INS-1, 1.2B4, and NIT-1, as well as a streptozotocin-induced diabetes rat model. We demonstrate that after high glucose treatment, RAP1 is increased, probably through induction by AKT, allowing RAP1 to shuttle from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and activate NF-κB signaling. Furthermore, non-enzymatic post-translational modifications of RAP1, such as advanced glycation end products and carbonylation may affect the function of RAP1, such as activation of the NF-κB signaling. Taken together, we showed that RAP1 is a new player in the mechanism of glucotoxicity in pancreatic β-cells.Item Oak (Quercus robur) seedling root biometric characteristic(2025) Szewczyk, WojciechThe file contains the root biometric data of 157 oak seedlings extracted in 2024 in the research areas of Podkarpacie. The measurements were performed with WinRhizo at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań.Item Orginal dataset used to generate the presentation of results in reserach paper entitled "Carbon-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Promote Reductive Stress-Mediated Cytotoxic Autophagy in Drug-Induced Senescent Breast Cancer Cells"(ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024-03-14) Lewińska, Anna; Radoń, Adrian; Gil, Kacper; Błoniarz, Dominika; Ciuraszkiewicz, Agnieszka; Kubacki, Jerzy; Kądziołka-Gaweł, Mariola; Łukowiec, Dariusz; Gębara, Piotr; Krogul-Sobczak, Agnieszka; Piotrowski, Piotr; Fijałkowska, Oktawia; Wybraniec, Sylwia; Szmatoła, Tomasz; Kolano-Burian, Aleksandra; Wnuk, MaciejThe surface modification of magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) is a promising approach to obtaining biocompatible and multifunctional nanoplatforms with numerous applications in biomedicine, for example, to fight cancer. However, little is known about the effects of Fe3O4 NP-associated reductive stress against cancer cells, especially against chemotherapy-induced drug-resistant senescent cancer cells. In the present study, Fe3O4 NPs in situ coated by dextran (Fe3O4@Dex) and glucosamine-based amorphous carbon coating (Fe3O4@aC) with potent reductive activity were characterized and tested against drug-induced senescent breast cancer cells (Hs 578T, BT-20, MDA-MB-468, and MDA-MB-175-VII cells). Fe3O4@aC caused a decrease in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and an increase in the levels of antioxidant proteins FOXO3a, SOD1, and GPX4 that was accompanied by elevated levels of cell cycle inhibitors (p21, p27, and p57), proinflammatory (NFκB, IL-6, and IL-8) and autophagic (BECN1, LC3B) markers, nucleolar stress, and subsequent apoptotic cell death in etoposide-stimulated senescent breast cancer cells. Fe3O4@aC also promoted reductive stress-mediated cytotoxicity in nonsenescent breast cancer cells. We postulate that Fe3O4 NPs, in addition to their well-established hyperthermia and oxidative stress-mediated anticancer effects, can also be considered, if modified using amorphous carbon coating with reductive activity, as stimulators of reductive stress and cytotoxic effects in both senescent and nonsenescent breast cancer cells with different gene mutation statuses.Item Research data for the article "The influence of biological preparations on soil parameters and aclonifen dissipation"(Springer Nature, Scientific Reports, 2025) Szpyrka, Ewa; Praskowicz, Aleksandra; Serwin, Natalia; Książek-Trela, PaulinaFood production requires the protection of agricultural crops against weeds, diseases and pests. An inherent consequence of using chemical plant protection products is the presence of their residues in the environment and the soil, and also in food. The use of effective microorganisms (EMs) that protect plants against pathogens and improve the condition of the soil, may be an alternative to and complement those preparations. The aim of this work was to examine the potential of biological preparations containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MBI600, Pseudomonas sp. DSMZ 13134, Yarrowia lipolytica, and their consortia for the revitalization of soil contaminated with aclonifen. Experiments were conducted under controlled laboratory conditions in the horticultural soil. The analyzed parameters included the aclonifen concentrations, and soil parameters of pH, dehydrogenase activity (DHA), and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). The consortium of Pseudomonas sp. DSMZ 13134 with Y. lipolytica and the consortium of all three examined EMs most effectively influenced the aclonifen dissipation. Their use reduced the herbicide concentration in the soil by 52% and 56%, respectively. These results are significant as aclonifen is a persistent herbicide. The tested biological preparation also contributed to the improvement of soil properties – the increase in ORP and DHA. There is an urgent need to promote the use of EMs in agriculture, to protect the environment and human health from chemical contaminants, and to develop sustainable agriculture.Item Surowe dane badawcze do artykułu "Non-targeting siRNA-mediated responses are associated with apoptosis in chemotherapy-induced senescent skin cancer cells"(Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2023-01-05) Betlej, Gabriela; Błoniarz, Dominika; Lewińska, Anna; Wnuk, MaciejIt is widely accepted that siRNA transfection can promote some off-target effects in the genome; however, little is known about how the cells can respond to the presence of non-viral dsRNA. In the present study, non-targeting control siRNA (NTC-siRNA) was used to evaluate its effects on the activity of pathogen and host-derived nucleic acid-associated signaling pathways such as cGAS-STING, RIG-I, MDA5 and NF-κB in A431 skin cancer cells and BJ fibroblasts. NTC-siRNA treatment promoted cytotoxicity in cancer cells. Furthermore, NTC-siRNA-treated doxorubicin-induced senescent cancer cells were more prone to apoptotic cell death compared to untreated doxorubicin-induced senescent cancer cells. NTC-siRNA stimulated the levels of NF-κB, APOBECs, ALY, LRP8 and phosphorylated STING that suggested the involvement of selected components of nucleic acid sensing pathways in NTC-siRNA-mediated cell death response in skin cancer cells. NTC-siRNA-mediated apoptosis in cancer cells was not associated with IFN-β-based pro-inflammatory response and TRDMT1-based adaptive response. In contrast, in NTC-siRNA-treated fibroblasts, an increase in the levels of RIG-I and IFN-β was not accompanied by affected cell viability. We propose that the use of NTC-siRNA in genetic engineering may provoke a number of unexpected effects that should be carefully monitored. In our experimental settings, NTC-siRNA promoted the elimination of doxorubicin-induced senescent cancer cells that may have implications in skin cancer therapies.Item Surowe dane badawcze do artykułu "Virtually identical does not mean exactly identical: Discrepancy in energy metabolism between glucose and fructose fermentation influences the reproductive potential of yeast cells"(Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2024-05-03) Maślanka, Roman; Bednarska, Sabina; Zadrąg-Tęcza, RenataThe physiological efficiency of cells largely depends on the possibility of metabolic adaptations to changing conditions, especially on the availability of nutrients. Central carbon metabolism has an essential role in cellular function. In most cells is based on glucose, which is the primary energy source, provides the carbon skeleton for the biosynthesis of important cell macromolecules, and acts as a signalling molecule. The metabolic flux between pathways of carbon metabolism such as glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is dynamically adjusted by specific cellular economics responding to extracellular conditions and intracellular demands. Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells and potentially similar fermentable carbon sources i.e. glucose and fructose we analyzed the parameters concerning the metabolic status of the cells and connected with them alteration in cell reproductive potential. Those parameters were related to the specific metabolic network: the hexose uptake - glycolysis and activity of the cAMP/PKA pathway - pentose phosphate pathway and biosynthetic capacities - the oxidative respiration and energy generation. The results showed that yeast cells growing in a fructose medium slightly increased metabolism redirection toward respiratory activity, which decreased pentose phosphate pathway activity and cellular biosynthetic capabilities. These differences between the fermentative metabolism of glucose and fructose, lead to long-term effects, manifested by changes in the maximum reproductive potential of cells.Item Surowe dane badawcze do artykułu: Efficient production of bacterial antibiotics aminoriboflavin and roseoflavin in eukaryotic microorganisms, yeasts(BMC, Spinger Nature, 2023-07-20) Dmytruk, Kostyantyn; Ruchała, Justyna; Fayura, Liubov; Chrzanowski, Grzegorz; Dmytruk, Olena; Tsyrulnyk, Andriy; Andreieva, Yuliia; Fedorovych, Daria; Motyka, Olena; Mattanovich, Diethard; Marx, Hans; Sibirny, AndriyBackground Actinomycetes Streptomyces davaonensis and Streptomyces cinnabarinus synthesize a promising broad-spectrum antibiotic roseoflavin, with its synthesis starting from flavin mononucleotide and proceeding through an immediate precursor, aminoriboflavin, that also has antibiotic properties. Roseoflavin accumulation by the natural producers is rather low, whereas aminoriboflavin accumulation is negligible. Yeasts have many advantages as biotechnological producers relative to bacteria, however, no recombinant producers of bacterial antibiotics in yeasts are known. Results Roseoflavin biosynthesis genes have been expressed in riboflavin- or FMN-overproducing yeast strains of Candida famata and Komagataella phaffii. Both these strains accumulated aminoriboflavin, whereas only the latter produced roseoflavin. Aminoriboflavin isolated from the culture liquid of C. famata strain inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus (including MRSA) and Listeria monocytogenes. Maximal accumulation of aminoriboflavin in shake-flasks reached 1.5 mg L− 1 (C. famata), and that of roseoflavin was 5 mg L− 1 (K. phaffii). Accumulation of aminoriboflavin and roseoflavin by K. phaffii recombinant strain in a bioreactor reached 22 and 130 mg L− 1, respectively. For comparison, recombinant strains of the native bacterial producer S. davaonensis accumulated near one-order less of roseoflavin while no recombinant producers of aminoriboflavin was reported at all. Conclusions Yeast recombinant producers of bacterial antibiotics aminoriboflavin and roseoflavin were constructed and evaluated.